One of the most reputable university rankings, developed by the UK-based Times Higher Education (THE). The Elsevier Scopus database has been used since 2010 for bibliometric indicators and institutional information collected directly from universities. This ranking is also organised by subject and the results are shown for Engineering and Technology, which measures the folowing indicators (relative weight): Citations (27.5%), Industry Income (5%), International Outlook (7.5%), Research (30%) and Teaching (30%).
Includes: electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering, civil engineering e chemical engineering.
Table1: ULisboa ranks

Figure 1: Global scores and indicator scores
Table 2: Global scores and indicator scores in Engineering

Computer Science
Table 3: ULisboa ranks

Figure 2: Global scores and Indicator scores in Computer Science
Tabela 4: Global scores and indicator scores in Computer Science

Physical Sciences
Table 5: ULisboa ranks

Figure 3: Global scores and indicator scores in Physical Sciences
Table 6: Global scores and indicator scores in Physical Sciences